Federica Bogo

I am a scientist at Meta Reality Labs Research, working on computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning.

Before joining Meta in 2022, I spent almost six years at Microsoft (MR & AI Lab Cambridge and Zürich), where I worked on the real-time hand tracking for HoloLens 2, HoloLens Research Mode and Microsoft Mesh.

I received my PhD from the University of Padova (Italy). From the same university, I hold degrees in Philosophy (BA) and Computer Engineering (BS, MS). During part of my PhD I was an affiliated student at the Perceiving Systems Department of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (Germany), where I spent also one year as postdoctoral researcher.

I grew up in Belluno (Italy), a beautiful town in the Eastern Dolomites region.

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I am interested in models of human shape, pose and motion - both to generate expressive virtual human representations and to allow efficient, automated analysis of existing images.
In the past I worked on medical imaging, design and analysis of algorithms for networks and high-performance computing.
For a complete list of publications, including technical reports and patents, please see my Google Scholar profile.

RoHM: Robust Human Motion Reconstruction via Diffusion
Siwei Zhang, Bharat Lal Bhatnagar, Yuanlu Xu, Alexander Winkler, Petr Kadlecek, Siyu Tang, Federica Bogo
CVPR, 2024
project page with code / bibtex
EgoBody: Human Body Shape and Motion of Interacting People from Head-Mounted Devices
Siwei Zhang, Qianli Ma, Yan Zhang, Zhiyin Qian, Taein Kwon, Marc Pollefeys, Federica Bogo, Siyu Tang
ECCV, 2022
project page with code and data / bibtex
Learning to Fit Morphable Models
Vasileios Choutas, Federica Bogo, Jingjing Shen, Julien Valentin
ECCV, 2022
FLAG: Flow-based 3D Avatar Generation from Sparse Observations
Sadegh Aliakbarian, Pashmina Cameron, Federica Bogo, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Tom Cashman
CVPR, 2022
project page / bibtex
Spatial Computing and Intuitive Interaction: Bringing Mixed Reality and Robotics Together
Jeffrey Delmerico, Roi Poranne, Federica Bogo, Helen Oleynikova, Eric Vollenweider, Stelian Coros, Juan Nieto, Marc Pollefeys
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 2022
Spatio-Temporal Human Shape Completion with Implicit Function Networks
Boyao Zhou, Jean-Sebastien Franco, Federica Bogo, Edmond Boyer
3DV, 2021
Learning Motion Priors for 4D Human Body Capture in 3D Scenes
Siwei Zhang, Yan Zhang, Federica Bogo, Marc Pollefeys, Siyu Tang
ICCV, 2021
project page with code / bibtex
H2O: Two Hands Manipulating Objects for First Person Interaction Recognition
Taein Kwon, Bugra Tekin, Jan Stühmer, Federica Bogo, Marc Pollefeys
ICCV, 2021
project page with code and data / bibtex
Towards Markerless Surgical Tool and Hand Pose Estimation
Jonas Hein*, Matthias Seibold*, Federica Bogo, Mazda Farshad, Marc Pollefeys, Philipp Fürnstahl, Nassir Navab
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2021
(* equal contribution)
project page with code and data / bibtex
Domain-Specific Priors and Meta Learning for Few-Shot First-Person Action Recognition
Huseyin Coskun, Zeeshan Zia, Bugra Tekin, Federica Bogo, Nassir Navab, Federico Tombari, Harpreet Sawhney
TPAMI, 2021
The Phong Surface: Efficient 3D Model Fitting Using Lifted Optimization
Jingjing Shen, Tom Cashman, Qi Ye, Tim Hutton, Toby Sharp, Federica Bogo, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Jamie Shotton
ECCV, 2020
project page / bibtex
Reconstructing Human Body Mesh from Point Clouds by Adversarial GP Network
Boyao Zhou, Jean-Sebastien Franco, Federica Bogo, Bugra Tekin, Edmond Boyer
ACCV, 2020
Leveraging Photometric Consistency over Time for Sparsely Supervised Hand-Object Reconstruction
Yana Hasson, Bugra Tekin, Federica Bogo, Ivan Laptev, Marc Pollefeys, Cordelia Schmid
CVPR, 2020
project page with code / bibtex
H+O: Unified Egocentric Recognition of 3D Hand-Object Poses and Interactions
Bugra Tekin, Federica Bogo, Marc Pollefeys
CVPR, 2019
Towards Accurate Marker-less Human Shape and Pose Estimation over Time
Yinghao Huang, Federica Bogo, Christoph Lassner, Angjoo Kanazawa, Peter V. Gehler, Javier Romero, Ijaz Akhter, Michael J. Black
3DV, 2017
code / bibtex
Dynamic FAUST: Registering Human Bodies in Motion
Federica Bogo, Javier Romero, Gerard Pons-Moll, Michael J. Black
CVPR, 2017
project page with data / bibtex
Unite the People: Closing the Loop between 3D and 2D Human Representations
Christoph Lassner, Javier Romero, Martin Kiefel, Federica Bogo, Michael J. Black, Peter V. Gehler
CVPR, 2017
project page with code and data / bibtex
Keep it SMPL: Automatic Estimation of 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Single Image
Federica Bogo*, Angjoo Kanazawa*, Christoph Lassner, Peter V. Gehler, Javier Romero, Michael J. Black
ECCV, 2016
(* equal contribution)
project page with code / bibtex
Detailed Full-Body Reconstructions of Moving People from Monocular RGB-D Sequences
Federica Bogo, Michael J. Black, Matthew Loper, Javier Romero
ICCV, 2015
project page / bibtex
Where's the lesion? Variability in Human and Automated Segmentation of Dermoscopy Images of Melanocytic Skin Lesions
Federica Bogo, Francesco Peruch, Anna Belloni Fortina, Enoch Peserico
Dermoscopy Image Analysis, 2015
Automated Detection of New or Evolving Melanocytic Lesions using a 3D Body Model
Federica Bogo, Javier Romero, Enoch Peserico, Michael J. Black
MICCAI, 2014
FAUST: Dataset and Evaluation for 3D Mesh Registration
Federica Bogo, Javier Romero, Matthew Loper, Michael J. Black
CVPR, 2014
(Dataset Award, Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP), 2016)
project page with data / bibtex
Simple, Fast, Accurate Melanocytic Lesion Segmentation through MEDS
Francesco Peruch, Federica Bogo, Michele Bonazza, Marco Bressan, Vincenzo-Maria Cappelleri, Enoch Peserico
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2014
Optimal Throughput and Delay in Delay-Tolerant Networks with Ballistic Mobility
Federica Bogo, Enoch Peserico
ACM Mobicom, 2013
Lecturer, Mixed Reality Course, ETH Zürich (2019, 2020, 2021)

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website